Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Latest Cell Phone Danger Report

The news about cell phone danger has been ongoing. In May 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), declared cell phones a Group 2B 'Possible Carcinogen,' meaning a "possible cancer-causing agent," based on the available research. 

In this article from Dr. Mercola, he has updated his posts about EMF problems with some findings recently published about the effects of cell phone radiation.

Latest Radio frequency Study — A Wake Up Call for Cell Phone Hazard Deniers?

Despite such findings, cell phones have become increasingly pervasive and such a common part of our daily lives that most people never think twice about using them and carrying them on their body all day long.
Some do exercise caution, using speakerphone or texting, for instance, instead of holding the phone up to their ear (and right next to their brain), but many still refuse to believe the risks are real.
Alas, researchers have demonstrated that wireless phones and other gadgets have the potential to cause all sorts of health problems, from headaches to brain tumors, with young children being at greatest risk.
In fact, 72 percent of industry-funded studies have failed to discern any biological effect from cell phone radiation exposure, whereas 67 percent of independent studies (those not funded by industry) did find biological effects.3
For example, by 1990, before there even was a consumer cell phone industry, at least two dozen epidemiological studies on humans indicated a link between electromagnetic fields (EMF) and/or radio frequencies (RF) and serious health problems, including childhood leukemia.
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